No matter how technically safe we are, there are many things that can happen to every one of us and in many cases, we do not know how to deal with them. Here are the top 10 things which every single person should know about its computer:

Stay safe! Do you know what this mean?: The internet is not always the safest place. This means everyone should be sure that their personal information is safe. There are some easy tips for all of us such as

You may think this is a hard thing that you should do, but it is easier than it sounds. There are many tips which we have given in this article. They will help your surfing the easiest work.

Why don’t you try to share files between you and other friends?: You sit next to your friend and you do not want to give him your files, photos etc. Many people do not want to share them because they are private. But also there are some problems that may happen when we lose some important files. This is a reason why you can choose to send your files to your friends or to share to your computers. If you want to share files between multiple computers in your home, then the Window’s Homegroup feature is the best option. Also, you can install Dropbox app that will keep all files safe.

You should install software that will give instant access to your files in the home: Many times we go out and we realize that we forgot something very important on our computer at our home.

These applications will make you feel that you are sitting right at your desk. This can help you to have quick access to a program that you do not have elsewhere or you need to grab a quick file.

You should make screenshots on the part of the screen you want: When we make screenshots we usually send all files that are screenshot. But we should avoid it because we may send some unwanted information that hackers can get it and use it to hack your computer. If you want to screenshot just specific part of your screen, then you can do it in the following manner:

You need to discover new operating systems: We live in a world where we want to achieve new things every single day no matter if we this means new levels of knowledge in our school or at work. Why you should not try one of the simplest things about computers and that is to discover new operating systems. Most of us work in Windows. But you can learn more about Linux and Mac. This will impress your friends. Each operating system has advantages and disadvantages which can be noticed easily when we are working in it. This is one of the coolest software tasks that we can do nowadays. We have Oracle VirtualBox that can help us to install another operating system in our basic system.

You should know the hidden features of your operating system: Under the hood of your operating system, there are many features and tricks that are hidden from the manufacturers. You can use some system tweaking tools such as Ultimate Windows Tweaker or OnyX for Mac if you want to discover the secrets of your operating system. If you are Mac user, then you should discover how automatically to restart your computer when it freezes how to manage the privacy settings of an app and how to create search tokens when searching for specific files. If you are Windows user, then you should discover how to undo an accidental file move, cascade specific windows or how to hide secret data inside a file.

Shortcuts-the new way of changing the world of computers: We know that computers can do a lot of things faster compared with a human. We may think that shortcuts are making our work difficult but they are just making it easier. Here are some simple shortcuts which you can use:

You may think this is hard to remember, but you will see that is not. You may try them two times and you will wonder why you have not learned them before. You can Google if you want to know more useful shortcuts.

Some Youtube tips: We know that Youtube is one of the most visited sites all around the world. We can see many videos, we can listen to our favorite singers, we can subscribe to our favorite channels etc. But we can also learn how to pause Youtube with one click. Many of us hit the space bar to pause the video but often this leads to another window or we scroll down the page that we have never visited or clicked. But there is an easier way to pause your video. You can press “K” from your keyboard. This key will pause or play the video every time that you have touched it. Also, you can skip the video forward by hitting the “L” from your keyboard. You can click “J” from the keyboard if you want to skip backward the video that you watch in that moment.

You need to clear your cache as soon as possible: You need to clear your browser in seconds because this will refresh the page that you visit. You can do it easily when you click Ctrl+Shift+R.

Do you find it difficult to look for your stolen or lost gadget? Don’t worry! We can help you: We never know when we can misplace our laptop, phone or other technology, so you need to set up some safeguards now. Here are some tips for the modern phone users

When your personal data are locked down, then you will know that you are safe.  The best solution is to ensure that it is not stolen and this can be easily achieved.