Using a computer isn’t a simple, uneventful task. You must do a lot to ensure that it runs at optimum levels and that your information remains safe. Therefore, it’s best to understand what you should be doing and where you can go for help if needed.
Computer security doesn’t just mean ensuring that someone can’t steal the device. It means that you are protected from viruses and malware. Therefore, anytime you reboot or turn on your computer, you should check that the virus protection is turned on. If you leave the computer on overnight, make sure to check the protection when you wake up.
Most people understand the need for virus scans, but they may not scan everything. Don’t forget external storage devices and flash drives, as they can harbor unwanted programs and viruses, as well. This way, you don’t risk losing data that you’ve stored or risk infected the entire computer.
You should also consider locking your account with a password. If someone did break into your home and take your computer, they could easily find out all the information you have saved. Don’t make it easier for them; use a password to protect your assets.
It’s necessary to defragment your hard drive each week, because when you create, delete and modify files, the data gets scattered and confused. If left alone, it can lead to the computer becoming slower and work harder to process and find the information you need.
In most cases, your computer keeps everything running in the background, in case you need to use it again. Make sure that you quit any programs that you aren’t using and don’t intend to use. Even if you do end up needing them, you can always reopen them. For example, you may have the calculator, Internet Explorer, Google, documents, and an instant messenger open right now, but may only be searching Google. Closing everything else will make everything smoother and faster.
Managing Data
You’ve likely stored a lot of data on your computer, so it’s important to save everything in at least two places. For example, you can save it to the hard drive and an external hard drive or flash drive. If you lose something from the hard disk, you’ve still got it saved somewhere else.
Likewise, when creating documents, it’s always a good idea to get into the habit of saving every few minutes. Many document creators automatically save everything for you every minute, depending on the settings, but it’s still good practice.